How to

How assembly drawing is created using parts in AutoCAD?

In AutoCAD, assembly drawings are created by combining individual part drawings into a single composite view.

Detailed Steps to Create an Assembly Drawing in AutoCAD:

  1. Prepare Individual Part Drawings:
    • Ensure each part of the assembly has been drawn separately.
    • Save these parts in individual files for easy access.
  2. Start a New Drawing for Assembly:
    • Open AutoCAD and start a new drawing for the assembly.
  3. Insert Individual Parts:
    • Use the INSERT or XREF command to bring individual part drawings into the assembly drawing.
    • Step 1: Type INSERT or XREF in the command line.
    • Step 2: Select the part file to insert.
    • Step 3: Place the part in the desired location in the drawing space.
  4. Position and Scale Parts:
    • Adjust each part’s position and scale to fit the assembly layout.
    • Use MOVE and SCALE commands to position each part accurately.
  5. Create Relationships Between Parts:
    • Use constraints or alignment tools to ensure parts are correctly aligned and positioned relative to each other.
  6. Add Assembly Details:
    • Include fasteners, joining elements, and other assembly-specific details.
    • Use the LINE, CIRCLE, and other drawing tools for additional details.
  7. Annotate Assembly Drawing:
    • Add dimensions, labels, and notes to clarify assembly instructions.
    • Use the DIMENSION and TEXT commands for annotations.
  8. Finalize the Drawing:
    • Review the assembly drawing for accuracy and completeness.
    • Make any necessary adjustments to the layout or annotations.


  • Layer Management: Use different layers for various parts for better organization.
  • Consistency: Ensure scale and units are consistent across all parts and the assembly.
  • Clarity in Presentation: Assembly drawings should be clear and easy to understand for effective communication.