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Best way to scale in AutoCAD

Best way to scale in AutoCAD

Brief Answer: The best way to scale in AutoCAD is using the SCALE command.

Detailed Explanation: Scaling in AutoCAD is a fundamental operation but can be tricky, especially ensuring accuracy and maintaining the proportions of the drawing. The challenge is to select the correct base point and scale factor.

Step-by-Step Solutions:

Solution 1: Uniform Scaling

  1. Select Objects: Choose the objects you want to scale.
  2. Activate SCALE Command: Type SCALE and press Enter.
  3. Choose Base Point: Click a point or type coordinates for the base point.
  4. Enter Scale Factor: Type the scale factor and press Enter.

Solution 2: Reference Scaling

  1. Select Objects: Select the objects to scale.
  2. Activate SCALE Command: Type SCALE and press Enter.
  3. Choose Base Point: Select or specify the base point.
  4. Select Reference Option: Type R and press Enter.
  5. Specify Reference Length: Click two points to indicate the current length or enter a value.
  6. Enter New Length: Type the desired length to scale proportionally.

Solution 3: Scaling with Grips

  1. Select Objects: Click on the object to scale.
  2. Use Grips: Click on a grip point.
  3. Right-Click and Choose Scale: Right-click and select the Scale option.
  4. Drag or Enter Factor: Drag to visually scale or type a scale factor.

Important Points:

  • Accuracy: Ensure the scale factor is accurate to maintain the drawing’s proportions.
  • Base Point Selection: The base point is crucial as all scaling will be relative to it.
  • Reference Scaling: Useful when scaling to a specific dimension.

Choose the method that best fits your specific scaling needs in AutoCAD, whether for precision or quick adjustments.